The Artist Project
272 Seiten, 23,8 x 30,5 cm , 1778 g.
The Artist Project
What Artists See When They Look At Art
Statt 89,95 € 39,95 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
120 of the world's most influential contemporary artists discuss the art that inspires them in this lavishly packaged and designed book.

"The Artist Project is the latest step among The Met's recent strides to better integrate contemporary art into its historical pantheon." —Art News

Artists have long been stimulated and motivated by the work of those who came before them - sometimes, centuries before them. Interviews with 120 international contemporary artists discussing works from The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection that spark their imagination shed new light on art-making, museums, and the creative process. Images of the artworks appear alongside images of the contemporary artists' work, allowing readers to discover a rich web of visual connections that spans cultures and millennia.
EinbandartFester Einband
Autor(en)Thomas P. Campbell
Beiträge vonChristopher Noey
Artikel IDart-49947


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