Gerry Johansson – Spanish Summer | special edition
320 Seiten, 17 x 24 cm , 1800 g.
Gerry Johansson – Spanish Summer | special edition
Book + Print: "Aldeaseca"
180,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
The latest distinctive landscape study by Gerry Johansson reveals the plains of central Spain as a territory in which over a thousand years of cultural traces have bedded down.

Special edition divided into 5 sets, each comprising a signed first edition of the book housed in a cardboard mailer slipcase with one of five silver gelatin prints [signed and numbered]. Open edition, ergo, numbered but (not yet) limited).

Over more than three decades, Gerry Johansson has brought his shrewd and sensitive eye to bear on peripheral landscapes the world over, from Ulan Bator to Antarctica.

Spanish Summer sees him return to one of the first places that captured his imagination: the plains of central Spain. The chapel remained etched into Johansson’s memory and, decades later, led him to return and rediscover the country’s architectural heritage, religious significance, and beauty. With these images, a survey is conducted of a landscape into which thousands of years of cultural traces have bedded down.

Johansson’s exacting composition and delicate black-and-white tonalities reveal a transient territory in which telephone wires transcend hoary crucifixes, modern plaster meets timeworn stone, and the shadows of industrial megaliths reach blindly across the dust.
BemerkungSignierte Erstausgabe + Silbergelatineprint "Aldeaseca" (signiert und nummeriert), 14,7 x 24 cm
VerlagMACK Books
EinbandartLeinen in Schmuckschachtel
Artikel IDart-51541


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