Martine Franck – Looking at others
208 Seiten, 22 x 26,5 cm , 1130 g.
Martine Franck – Looking at others
42,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
This book was conceived to shed light on the significant visual contribution made to photography by Martine Franck, an influential woman photographer active during the final third of the 20th-century. Celebrating her most renowned images of childhood, old age and theatre, many of which have become iconic, this book also offers a glimpse into swathes of her work depicting labour, the women’s liberation movement and consumer society, which have seldom been displayed before now. This new retrospective brings to a wider audience this truly humanistic artist, who engaged so deeply with her times, and for whom the camera was the privileged medium for looking at others.
HerausgeberClément Chéroux
VerlagSilvana Editoriale
EinbandartFester Einband
Beiträge vonClément Chéroux, Clara Bouveresse, Shirley Jordan
Artikel IDart-70548


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