Masaccio and Masolino – A Complete Catalogue
488 Seiten, 26 x 30 cm , 3340 g.
Masaccio and Masolino – A Complete Catalogue
Statt 195,00 € 95,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
The names of Masaccio (1401-28) and Masolino (1383-1440) are inseparable, and their collaboration is an essential starting point for the study of either artist. Masaccio's Holy Trinity and the recently cleaned collaborative frescos in the Brancacci Chapel in Florence are key works in the development of Western art.

Paul Joannides' catalogue raisonné forms a uniquely authoritative and perfectly up-to-date study of the total oeuvre of both artists. Composed with lucidity and richly illustrated, it makes accessible to all lovers of art - from the connoisseur to the casual reader - some of the greatest paintings of the early Renaissance, and most momentous works of Western painting.


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