Orri Jónsson – Interiors
146 Seiten, 29,8 x 31 cm , 1720 g.
Orri Jónsson – Interiors
58,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
Orri Jónsson wurde 1970 in Reykjavík geboren und erhielt 1996 seinen Bachelor of Fine Arts von der New Yorker School of Visual Arts. Orris Fotografien wurden in Magazinen wie dem Big magazine veröffentlicht, außerdem stellte er seine Werke in Institutionen wie dem Museum Folkwang in Essen und dem Fotografiemuseum Reykjavík aus.

Orri Jónsson was holidaying one summer in the north of Iceland with his family, when he stumbled upon an abandoned farmhouse and began taking photos of it. Fascinated with the results but disappointed by the restrictions of the 35 mm film he had used, he returned to the motif with a large-format analogue camera.

Orri thus photographed the gloriously decaying interiors of deserted houses throughout Iceland for the next twelve years, and Interiors contains the best of these images from 1999 to 2010.

Painterly in colour, rigorous in composition and lacking people, Orri’s photos evoke the personal histories of the inhabitants who long ago abandoned their homes.

Interiors is shaped by an uncanny silence and sense of loss, most poignant in the images of objects people left behind – old buttons, newspapers and even a hot water bottle – tokens of vanished lives.


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