Gary Hill's Works and Writings – An Art of Limina
640 Seiten, 21,3 x 26,2 cm , 2305 g.
Gary Hill's Works and Writings – An Art of Limina
Statt 59,80 € 10,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
Gary Hill (*1951) is one of the most influential contemporary artists to investigate the myriad relationships between words and electronic images.

His inquiries into linguistics and consciousness offer resonant philosophical and poetic insights, as he explores the formal conjunctions of electronic visual and audio elements with the body and the self. With experimental rigor, conceptual precision and imaginative leaps of discovery, Hill's work in video is about, and is, a new form of writing. In this substantial volume, George Quasha and Charles Stein analyze the artist's entire career, paying particular attention to the single-channel video works.

Covering Hill's oeuvre, this highly readable monograph features a comprehensive chronology of his work, including important production details. A careful selection of key writings by the artist is also included. With 640 pages and more than 900 illustrations, it is the most comprehensive and in-depth treatment of Gary Hill's work to date, written in close connection with the artist, and offers an essential theoretical and scholarly frame for continuing study.
EinbandartFester Einband
Abbildungenmit 980 Abb
Autor(en)George Quasha, Charles Stein
Beiträge vonLynne Cooke
Museum / OrtBarcelona
Artikel IDart-10981


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